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Available Now

Apple TV

  • Install Airontv tvOS app from App store on your Apple TV device.
  • Launch the app to see 6 character length security pin on your TV screen.
  • Login to your Airontv account on our website and Click Myaccounts
  • Click My Device tab under Myaccount to register your Apple TV device by entering the 6 character security pin and click Activate.
  • If you don't have Airontv account then please visit, register as a new user and follow the above mentioned process to register your Apple TV with us.
  • You will need a valid subscription to play the movies on your Apple TV.
  • On your Apple TV make Airontv app as one of your top 5 apps to get latest movie updates.

Samsung TV

  • If you have already subscribed for a package on PC and would like to activate the same on Samsung TV.
  • Please follow the below steps.
  • Select Airontv application under Video applications section or Search on Samsung App Store.
  • Add the Airontv application and open it on your device.
  • Once you open the Airontv application first time, you'll get a login screen.
  • You can login to application only if you have purchased the Monthly, Quaterly, Half yearly or Annaul subscription.
  • If you don't have Airontv account then please visit, register as a new user and follow the above mentioned process to register your Samsung Internet TV with us.
  • You will need a valid subscription to play the movies on your Samsung Internet TV.


  • If you have already subscribed for a package on PC and would like to activate the same on LG TV.
  • Please follow the below steps.
  • To download the app from TV: Go to LG Content Store store on webOS TV, Search for "Airontv" OR Navigate to "Entertainment" -> "Movies" category and locate "Airontv"
  • Click INSTALL to download the app
  • Launch "Airontv” on your TV to see a 6 digit PIN.
  • Login into Airontv website through the URL using your Airontv account.
  • On your My Account -> My Device tab please enter the 6 digit PIN to register your LG TV device with Airontv.
  • On your TV you will be taken to Home screen automatically.

Xbox One

  • If you have already subscribed for a package on PC and would like to activate the same on XBox One.
  • To download the app.
  • From the Xbox One home screen, go to "Store"
  • In the Store, go to "Browse apps"
  • Go to "Search apps"
  • Search for "Airontv"
  • Go to the app, and click "Get"
  • On your My Account -> My Device tab please enter the 6 digit PIN to register your device with Airontv.
  • On your device you will be taken to Home screen automatically.

Amazon Fire TV

Android TV


  • Log into your Roku account on a web browser.
  • Add Airontv to your channels list using the channel access code "Airontv".
  • On the TV connected to your Roku device "Airontv” channel should appear if the above step is completed successfully.
  • Launch "Airontv” on your TV to see a 6 digit PIN.
  • Login into Airontv website through the URL using your Airontv account.
  • On your My Account -> My Device tab enter the 6 digit PIN to register your Roku device with Airontv.
  • On your TV you will be taken to Home screen automatically.