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Apple TV
Install Airontv tvOS app from App store on your Apple TV device.
Launch the app to see 6 character length security pin on your TV screen.
Login to your Airontv account on our website and Click Myaccounts
Click My Device tab under Myaccount to register your Apple TV device by entering the 6 character security pin and click Activate.
If you don't have Airontv account then please visit
, register as a new user and follow the above mentioned process to register your Apple TV with us.
You will need a valid subscription to play the movies on your Apple TV.
On your Apple TV make Airontv app as one of your top 5 apps to get latest movie updates.
Samsung TV
If you have already subscribed for a package on PC and would like to activate the same on Samsung TV.
Please follow the below steps.
Select Airontv application under Video applications section or Search on Samsung App Store.
Add the Airontv application and open it on your device.
Once you open the Airontv application first time, you'll get a login screen.
You can login to application only if you have purchased the Monthly, Quaterly, Half yearly or Annaul subscription.
If you don't have Airontv account then please visit
, register as a new user and follow the above mentioned process to register your Samsung Internet TV with us.
You will need a valid subscription to play the movies on your Samsung Internet TV.
If you have already subscribed for a package on PC and would like to activate the same on LG TV.
Please follow the below steps.
To download the app from TV: Go to LG Content Store store on webOS TV, Search for "Airontv" OR Navigate to "Entertainment" -> "Movies" category and locate "Airontv"
Click INSTALL to download the app
Launch "Airontv” on your TV to see a 6 digit PIN.
Login into Airontv website through the URL
using your Airontv account.
On your My Account -> My Device tab please enter the 6 digit PIN to register your LG TV device with Airontv.
On your TV you will be taken to Home screen automatically.
Xbox One
If you have already subscribed for a package on PC and would like to activate the same on XBox One.
To download the app.
From the Xbox One home screen, go to "Store"
In the Store, go to "Browse apps"
Go to "Search apps"
Search for "Airontv"
Go to the app, and click "Get"
On your My Account -> My Device tab please enter the 6 digit PIN to register your device with Airontv.
On your device you will be taken to Home screen automatically.
Amazon Fire TV
Android TV
Log into your Roku account on a web browser.
Add Airontv to your channels list using the channel access code "
On the TV connected to your Roku device "Airontv” channel should appear if the above step is completed successfully.
Launch "Airontv” on your TV to see a 6 digit PIN.
Login into Airontv website through the URL
using your Airontv account.
On your My Account -> My Device tab enter the 6 digit PIN to register your Roku device with Airontv.
On your TV you will be taken to Home screen automatically.
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